Sunday, June 18, 2006

3 weeks, 21 days, 504 hours 30240 seconds...I reckon.

I pondered today on why I have not made a blog entry in three weeks. Considering to myself, what has changed? Was it 11 years of marriage kicking me in the ass? Possibly…or maybe it’s my inconsistency in with participation in extra circular hobbies and activities. Blogging is a single outlet, from a myriad of mediums, for my creativity, my vision, my thoughts…ultimately a part of me. However, I will bounce erratically from one form to another.

Lunchables = Urban MRE’s (The Meal, Ready-to-Eat)

Currently I am fairly obsessed with Airsoft. I have no interest in what kind of gun you have or what accessories you have. Just give me a gun that feels good in my hands and comfortable to carry. Show me once where the safety is and how to reload. I’ll be just fine. What a fucking rush! Hell, I’ll even low crawl across the dirt and through the bush and timber. The second time I went out, we went to this old abandoned house for close quarter combat scenarios. We captured some of the scenarios on video, 3 interior breaches and 1 exterior breach. The data images are very sweet memento indeed. The house was torn down the next morning. All of us now yearning for an abandoned home we can use for game play. I could talk on and on, describing what, where, when and who, for paragraphs.

I will note, though not briefly, that at its deepest intellectual level it can represent a raw interactive community environment. We are animals through biology, so heed what you opine within the community’s alpha males and females. Which tier of power do you cling within the community and are you a male or female? The diversity of descriptions available to describe the company we interface with is awe-inspiring. That’s why they are, frankly…good company. I will elucidate my warning so beware; this will blog will consistently change and evolve, morphing from one entity to another. I can only commentate on what I confab, estimate and evaluate. Sometimes I feel like I over came ADD just to replace it with OCD.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your o.c.d must have collapsed try to get bacc into the swing of things keep your head up look people in the eye and always remember your better than that whatever "that" is some of us dont want to see you give up so dont what would this world do without you
boy that sounded like an astrological reading sorry

8:19 AM PDT  

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